Monday, April 16, 2012

The rights of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) over Muslims

First Right

·         The right to be Loved by all Muslims

This love must be expressed in word and deeds:

“Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your spouses, or your kindred; the wealth that you have gained; the commerce in which you fear a decline: or the dwellings in which you delight – are dearer to you than Allah, or His Messenger, or the striving in His cause, then wait until Allah brings about His decision; and Allah guides not the rebellious sinners.” [Surah al-Tawbah (24)]

This is proof that it is obligatory to love the Prophet More than anything

“I swear by Him in whose hand is my soul, none of you believes until I become more beloved to him than his parents and children and all humanity.”

The Prophet (saws) also said:

“There are three qualities that if someone possesses one of them, he will experience the sweetness of faith. The first of these is that Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to him than anything else.”

The companions gave the best example as to how to express this love:

  • ·         Umar B. al-Khattab once said to al-Abbas, the uncle of the Prophet (saws):
“It is dearer to me that you accept Islam than that my own father al-Khattab accepts it, because your acceptance of Islam is dearer to Allah’s Messenger (saws).”
  • ·         Ali was asked to describe the love he and the companions had for the Prophet (saws)
“Allah’s Messenger was more beloved to us than our wealth, our children, our fathers, and our mothers. He was dearer to us than cool water is to a man dying of thirst.”
  • ·        Amr Bin Al-As said:

“There was no one dearer to me than Allah’s Messenger (saws). No one  in my eyes was nobler than he. I could not look upon him directly because of the extreme respect that I had for him. If I were asked to describe his appearance, I would not be able to do so because I had been unable to look at him directly.”

There are certain signs of having love for the Prophet (saws):

  • ·         To make mention of him often
  • ·         To have longing to meet him
  • ·         To love those whom the Prophet (saws) loved
  • ·         To have hatred for those who oppose and slander him
  • ·         To love the Quran and follow its guidance

Second Right – That we follow his example

We are obligated to follow his example and emulate his behavior:

Know that whoever loves something prefers it and prefers to bring himself into harmony with it. Otherwise, his love is not genuine, only pretended. Someone who truly loves the Prophet (saws) will show some visible signs of that love. At the forefront of the signs that a person will show is that he will emulate the Prophet (saws) and to follow his Sunnah. He will follow him in his words and deeds. He will exhibit the same manners as the Prophet (saws) in both ease and hardship and in matters that please him and those that displease him.

Proof of this lies in the Quran:

Say (O Mohammed):

“If you love Allah, then follow me. Allah will love you.” [Surah al-Imran (31)]

Genuine Love Requires:

  • ·         Emulation
  • ·         Loving and hating what Allah and his Prophet Love and hate
  • ·         Being pleased with what Allah and his Prophet are pleased with
  • ·         Being displeased with the things that displease them

Ibn Abbas made the following statement to a group of people who asked what the Prophet said about something but them referred to the opinion of others:

“I fear that stones from the heavens might descend upon you. I tell you what Allah’s Messenger (saws) said, and you respond with what Abu Bakr said and Umar said!”

Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal once said:

I am startled by those who after knowing the authenticity of a statement of the Prophet (saws) take instead the opinion of Sufyan. They do this even though Allah says: ‘Let those beware who go against the Messenger’s command lest a trial afflict them or there befall them a painful chastisement.” Do they have any idea what that “trial’ is? That trial is polytheism. It is possible that if someone rejects the command of the Prophet (saws), his heart will become deviated and he will meet with destruction.

It is necessary to adhere to the Sunnah of the Prophet and avoid Innovation:

The Prophet (saws) said:

“Whoever introduces into this matter of ours something that is not a part of it will have it rejected.”

Ibn Rajab makes the following comments on this hadith:

“This hadith directly states that every action that is not explicitly sanctioned by the Law giver is rejected. It also implies that every action that is in accordance with His Law is not rejected. The “matter” being referred to in the hadith is the religion of Allah. Therefore, the meaning of the hadith is as follows: Whoever does an act outside the parameters of Islamic Law and not in strict conformity with it will have it rejected.”

Third Right – To be supported and honored

This means:

  • ·         Coming to his assistance and defense – regards to those who defame his character and the likes
  • ·         Feeling conviction in our difference to him
  • ·         Having respect for him

Abu Bakr B Ayyash once said:

When the followers of the Sunnah die, their memory lives on. When the followers of innovations die, their memory dies with them. This is because the followers of the Sunnah kept alive what the Messenger came with. For this, they share in Allah’s promise: “And we exalted your fame.” [Surah al-Inshirah (4)]

The Followers of innovations insult what they Prophet brought so they share in:

“Truly, he who insults you is cut off from future hope.” [Surah al-Kawthar (3)]

Allah has punished many who have slandered the Prophet so thus beware

Thus these are the rights owed to the Prophet Mohammed. Adhere to them. Honor them.

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